Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Flippin' The Kurd

<< Kurdistan's premier comedy double act in action

I'm trying to push up the post count for August by squeezing in a few daily doses before the month closes - I don't have any money, so need to pass the time somehow. Unfortunately, today's subject area is not one that lends itself to my breezy, trivial style. The region of Kurdistan has a history littered with oppression, genocide and misery - I'm throwing out the weak pun of a title as a gesture, but other than that, it's a proud, troubled region that offers little in the way of observational comedy.

Kurdistan is spread across the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.

The region is roughly the same size as France, and is only recognised as an autonomous province in Iraq (although right now I imagine you could declare a hotel an autonomous province - there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of stability going on for some reason). The chief language is Kurdish (but is possibly not called this in Kurdistan) - split into two dialects: Sorani and Kumanji. Again, interesting, but not something you can see Seinfeld ripping on ("What's the deal with Kumanji?"). Kurds have suffered widespread laugh-free oppression, most notably in Iraq (although that's all better now) and in Turkey, where several rebellions were put down and the region as a whole was declared a closed military zone for forty years, up until 1965.

I know it's been a bit of a struggle today, but the people of Kurdistan have suffered enough, so let's draw it to a close with some more simple, ungilded truths - here are Kurdistan's largest cities: In Iran - Kermansah and Mahabad; in Iraq, Mosul and Arbil; and in Turkey, Diyarbakir, Bitlis and Batman. That's right - Batman. I knew those crazy Kurds had it in them - dig through enough oppression and misery and you'll always find a vaguely topical film reference eventually. Now you just have to get yourself out of the hole you've dug for yourself...

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