Sunday, October 19, 2008

Do My Job For Me

OK, here's how it is: It's been a week since I posted anything, but I've got sniffles and I need to sit through Talladega Nights so I can send it back to the rental people. So here's five facts, which I'll invite you, the readers, to arrange into a barely coherent, fleetingly amusing article. The best entry wins nothing. For there will be no entries.

Wednesday: Yosemite National Park is only 125 miles from San Francisco.

Thursday: Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman and Robert Duvall all shared an apartment whilst trying to break Hollywood.

Friday: Spaniels are prone to hallitosis.

Saturday: Those executive toys where there are five silver balls, and you clack the end one onto the next one and the one at the other end moves, is known as Newton's Cradle.

Sunday: The bridge in Battersea that is permanently lit up like a Christmas tree is Prince Albert Bridge, and not Battersea bridge.

Over to you - I'm going back under the duvet.

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