Tuesday, July 15, 2008


<< Che Guevara: Not left-handed, and it tore him up inside

I got my fact at ten past midnight last night, during Seinfeld episode "The Checks", when Seinfeld holds his aching writing hand having had to sign several hundred Japanese royalty cheques, each for 12 cents. I wasn't aware you had to sign cheques for yourself in America, but to be honest, I'm not certain you don't have to do that in this country, so I'm keeping quiet. The following discovery at least allowed me a day's grace from having to peruse the hellstorm of fear and inanity that is Metro:

Jerry Seinfeld is left-handed.

Other famous lefties include (behold this staggering list): Leonardo da Vinci, Robert de Niro, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Einstein, Matt Groening, John McEnroe, Jimmy White, Chewbacca, Pele, Maradona, Churchill, Julius Caesar, Aristotle, Joan of Arc, Neil Armstrong, Napoleon, Beadle, Ross Kemp, Wossy, Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Eminem, Jimi Hendrix and, best 'til last, Ricky Martin.

Seinfeld actually began his comedy career with a skit to college 'roomies' about being left-handed and the unfortunate connotations that go with it: "left-handed compliment, ... you get to a party, ask where everyone went - they left". I myself am not left-handed, which is a source of deep-seated disappointment to my girlfriend. I am, however, left-footed when I play football, which she understandably considers to be "not the same".

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