Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend: All Creatures Great and Small

<< "Make some noise!"
If you're settling down in front of the computer with a nice cup of tea and your confection of choice (may I recommend a Double Decker? Fine, suit yourself) here's a fact for you, learnt at the start of a glorious, now moribund weekend:

The average chocolate bar has eight insect legs in it.

Apparently, it's all to do with the cocoa collection process, and is in no way connected to the shoddy conditions down at the factory. Anyway, from the animal kingdom's more insignificant members - and let's face it, you can't get much lower than having your remains scattered throughout a 24-bar box of Toffee Crisps - to it's mightiest overlord. I'm talking, of course, about Brian Blessed. Sorry, the blue whale. Now we all know that blue whales are big fellas - their hearts are the size of a VW Beetle, a human could crawl through it's aorta, and each one is the same length as, I dunno, Belgium. It's usually Belgium. You may think of them as big, but they're also loud. In fact:

Blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth.

They holler at a frequency of 10 to 40HZ, making them virtually inaudible to the human ear, but there's no living thing that's louder, although our Brian does push them close, as do the urbane sophisticates who drive past Knowledge Towers on a Sunday playing only the finest in house and garage at a bone-juddering volume. As far as I'm aware, a blue whale has never been accidentally encased in chocolate and retailed, but if they did, I reckon I could take it.

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