Monday, July 21, 2008

Skull Man

Glory be, my fellow questers (I'm sure you're still out there, somewhere) - I am now a published writer. It may only be an article, and one of questionable quality, but it's out there, on the interweb, just waiting for a publishing supremo to read it, shrug wearily and move on. This is genuinely surprisingly swift progress, given my sluggish work rate and faltering ambition, and I'm sufficiently gushing with pride to post the link to it right here. Please feel free to StumbleUpon, Digg, etc it to within an inch of its life.

Back to reality, and there's no need to trawl the depths of the internet for any more blue whale riffs - I have in my hand a fact, passed to me by a colleague with an (admittedly unexpected) understanding of Japanese:

The Japanese writing on my T-shirt says 'Skull Man'.

This seems entirely logical, given that the ice-cool character perched atop the script is indeed a man, with a white, featureless head not unlike a skull. I am, however, slightly disappointed. I think I preferred the mystery, imagining that it was a piece of writing taken from a street sign, and said 'Toilets 100yds' or ' Free Mobile Phones this way'. To discover it merely offers an accurate, yet non-illuminating description of the mysterious figure above it has somewhat taken the shine off. Besides, if it had said Skull Man in English, there's no way I would have bought it. At least the Skull Man himself remains resolutely badass, arms folded, literally defying translation. Skull Man, I have just discovered to my delight, is a manga character from the 70s, and is (what else) a cold-hearted, lightning-fast anti-hero. Skull Man is way cool.

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