Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Just Finished a Book

<< Pullman: Dark

Today I finished reading The Amber Spyglass, the third of Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy. I'm now in a slightly awkward position, as I'd love to talk at length about it, but will spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it. Anyway, it's very good - the trilogy was collectively voted the third best novel of all time, behind Geri Halliwell's books for kids. Or it may have been Lord of the Rings and Pride & Prejudice, I don't remember.

While that might be pushing it, it was definitely gripping, and has occupied me so intently during recent commutes that it's going to be a shock actually remembering anything about the journey. If you've been through Clapham Junction lately and have seen an egg-shaped individual waddling through the crowd with a Pullman tome pressed to his face, tripping over old ladies and small children as they desperately try to figure out what the fuck is going on, and what's with the thing, and why did that guy go there... well, that was me. Now I'm just gonna have to go back to scowling at people again.

Pantalaimon's name is taken from St. Pantalaemon, whose name is Greek for 'all-helping'.

That will mean a lot to people who've read 'His Dark Materials', and precious little to those who haven't. A bit like this post then - good job I chose a popular book, I guess...

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