Monday, June 16, 2008

Fuggin' Awesome

I'm now warming to a theme following yesterday's bullshit post (perhaps in more ways than one). Perhaps this blog should be turned into a history of swearing - although on second thoughts, it's puerile enough as it is. Anyway:

The word 'fucking' was first used on a record in 1965.

The record was the self-titled release by The Fugs, whose very name is a toned-down version of the world's finest word. I discovered this in a Guardian article about bands with F-heavy names, which features a list of said monikers, surely designed to reduce the most hardened muso into bursts of childish giggling. If you're looking for a fresh name, here are my suggestions: Fuck Yeah, which unbelievably hasn't been taken yet; Fuck A Duck; Pot Fuck; Monster Fucks; the double-edged Fuck This, or if you want to play it down the line, how about The Fucks. The article seems to be suggesting that there are too many clever fucks putting the word in their band names, but if you ask me, there aren't enough. It might be a sure-fire way to fudge your career, but if you're flipping terrible anyway, then why the fug not...

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