I'm writing retrospectively as once again I've been too busy with my mountain of paperwork down at the station (OK, office), watching Big Brother and eating KFC to record my feats of understanding. I'm whacking them all in one entry this time - it's a whole new look for Quest For Knowledge, seeing as we're halfway through the year. Less material, updated with decreasing regularity - I know what the people want.
Unfinished Business
Anyway, on Wednesday 25th, I did attend the Radiohead gig as I had previously boasted about (although I didn't manage the double whammy of eating peri-peri chicken whilst enjoying the show) - it was very good, though in a weird setting populated by knobheads drinking red wine and talking about the quickest journey to work throughout the entire set. By the way I just read that they closed with The Tourist on the first night - unlucky, Elliot. My brother deserved something, for he gave me a useful fact - computer programs with the label 'beta' are not completed. This mostly applies to computer games, which are then finished off and released - but Google maps are clearly still working on it.
Transgender Neo-con
On to Thursday (26th), and ShortList magazine, which enticed me with its headline "QUIT YOUR BORING JOB NOW!", only for me to discover that quitting said boring job actually involved setting up a business so dynamic and outstanding that it was capable of winning a national award. Drat. Anyway, in another indie-related fact, I discovered that Haley Barbour is a man. Who cares, you may be thinking (about that, or just in general, I'm not fussed) but it relates to the name being mentioned on 1994 gloomy rock masterpiece and Knowledge Towers' official Best Album Ever, The Holy Bible by the Manics. I'd always thought Haley was a woman, but not so - he is, however, as objectionably right wing as Richey and co suggested.
The Drink That Makes You Do Football Better
And so to Friday (27th), or as some wags would call it, today. I learnt that Gatorade was invented by students at the University of Florida, to help improve the performance of their American football team... the Florida Gators. From this I deduced that Gatorade is named after the Florida Gators. Two years after the drink was created, the team won the Orange Bowl and were thus crowned America's finest college side. They may have all been unable to sit still and riddled with paranoid anxiety, but damn, they could play some football. Gatorade has apparently never before been available in the UK, although I've drank it, and I ain't never been to no America, so like, whatever, but its hella popular in the States, being one of only four companies to have an 80%+ market share. Any ideas on the others? Answers tomorrow. There is no prize.
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