Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Playing God

<< God: Interestingly, was asked to play Alanis Morrissette in forthcoming biopic, but declined

Today's piece of trivia came to me through the random pointless website finding service, StumbleUpon (other random pointless website finding services are available). After imploring it to 'Stumble' at an ever more desperate rate, it led to uncover this actually very interesting bit of film factuality:

The only character to appear in all four Monty Python films is God.

If you're an actor, it doesn't get much bigger than playing God (playing the president, or Elvis, might push it close though). Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman and, um, Alanis Morrissette have all filled the big cheese's omnipotent shoes on the big screen. As for God's nemesis, the anti-Christ (a man who so hates God he named himself after his opposition to God's son - a bit like having a dispute with a neighbour whose son is called Roger, and changing your name to I Hate Roger) - well, the devil has been portrayed by (amongst others) Dave Grohl, Tim Curry and Al Pacino. If you can tell me the six films in which the aforementioned actors played the epitomes of good and evil, you can win (scans desk) a permanent marker, a party popper, one blank Sony CD-R disc (with case) and a copy of this week's Wimbledon Post (delivery pending)...

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