Friday, June 20, 2008

The Land of Chocolate

<< Hershey, PA: Jaywalking Oompa-Loompas not pictured

Now, before I get started, I should point out that I'm aware of my intention to avoid American sweet-based facts. But I couldn't resist this doozy, printed on the side of a chewtastic packet of Hershey's Milk Duds:

Hershey chocolates are made in the town of Hershey, Pennsylvania.

The reason the fact is a bit half-hearted is because I had assumed that the chocolates were named after the place; I have now discovered that this isn't the case. The town formerly known as Derry Church has been renamed after William Hershey's factory, which is also open as a kind of Cadbury World attraction, though presumably (as it's in America) a whole lot bigger. I'm imagining chocolate swimming pools and Milk Duds falling like snow. The nearest airport's only a couple of hours away, so it may soon be time to find out.

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