Saturday, June 14, 2008

Return of the Living Fact

<< Bub: Dead, but funny, so it's okay

Today has been spent watching 80s (and not so 80s) horror films, the pick of which was Return of the Living Dead, in which the release of a toxic gas brings the dead back to life (I think that's what was going on). It also taught me the following:

Rigour mortis begins in the brain.

Now I have to admit, I don't exactly know what rigour mortis is, or even if it's spelled right, but the trouble with researching this is that I'm probably going to stumble upon pictures of dead bodies, which I really can't handle. It appears that there are some barriers learning can't cross - and my fear of the dead is one of them. It all stems from being a teenager, and looking at a site called, which was full of pictures of people getting gruesome facial injuries in motorcycle races, and is pretty disgusting all round. Thinking I was too cool for school, I rifled through, opened a picture of a dead body, and spent the rest of the night curled up in a ball snivelling in fear and revulsion. It's far too hardcore for me.

Incidentally, I also learnt from the rest of the day's film and computer game-based fun that A. Michael Myers has a tough childhood (although possibly not tough enough to excuse his rampant killing sprees) - thanks to the Halloween remake. B. If the new, creepy guy from work asks to rent your spare room, and then tells you he can bring people back to life, you should believe him (Re-Animator). Finally, C. The steering wheel that you get free with Mario Kart on Wii is rubbish.

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