Wednesday, May 28, 2008


It's tomorrow - and the D is for disciplinary. To be honest, I've been suspended, I started to forget I actually had a job, and the omens are that I'll still have one this tomorrow, unless I expose myself at tomorrow's meeting, which has crossed my mind, if I'm being honest. As I'm currently holding myself together reasonably well, I'm getting a quick fact in before an evening of Britain's Got Talent and Superbad to chase the nerves away. So here goes:

'Blue chip' industries are so named because blue is the colour of the highest value chips in poker.

Mmm... chips. I don't even know what 'blue chip' industries are - all I do know is that a lot of them are going to be closing soon, as the invisible recession draws in. It does make you wonder if capitalism is the way forward (don't worry, I'm not going to try and sell you a copy of Socialist Worker) - it's just very easy to forget that banks, which lest we forgot have all our money, actually exist not for our benefit but for their own, and when the shit hits the fan, they drop you faster than Sharon Stone's agent, following her slightly ill-advised comments today. Regardless of how unbelievably stupid and insensitive this is, you'd think she'd want to keep quiet about karma. She was in Basic Instinct 2, for christ's sake.

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