Thursday, May 22, 2008


It's funny, when I had to go into work every day, I seemed to always have a nice half-hour slot, immediately after coming home, in which to complete this blog. Now I've got nothing to do all day but wait and wonder, it always feels like I've got a rush on. Maybe I'm just very aware of how precious time is now it's not broken into designated chunks - or maybe I'm just so lazy that spending half an hour writing this blog has become a pressing deadline. Ah well, at least I've got less time on my hands than some people...

Internet 'comedian' Charles Trippy filmed himself and a group of associates in his living room for as long as he possibly could - and created a YouTube video that lasts for 9 hours and 15 minutes. Well, I'm assuming that's what happens, I haven't sat and watched it so I've no idea what gruesome wrongness could be lurking 8 hours in. And presumably, somebody would've had to go to the toilet at some point. Trippy declares that his video is 'dumb' at the start, and well, he's got a point. The concept of a 9 hour long continuous video will probably baffle anyone who's ever had to watch an episode of South Park on YouTube in seven overlapping segments. The reason Mr Trippy (if that is his real name - something tells me it actually might be) got it on YouTube is because it stayed within the 100MB limit (whereas five minutes of Cartman abusing Butters is clearly large enough to bring the whole internet crashing down).

You can watch the clip here, if you're that bored. The fact that you're here suggests you might do - and this page suggests that so too does Charles Trippy. And it brings me no end of pleasure to tell you that today's fact relates to the longest ever YouTube video - but does not feature Mr Trippy at all:

The longest YouTube video is 100 hours long.

That's over four days, ten times longer than Trippy's weak effort, and consists entirely of a blue screen (again, I'm assuming) - it was posted by someone called 'frifox', who reckons that you could make a YouTube video that lasted for 1 and a half years. Oh my god, people really need to stop sitting on fucking YouTube and go and get some air or something. And please, please stop saying LOL. It's so ten years ago.

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