Wednesday, May 21, 2008

To Hull and Back

<< Hull: Now famous for nothing

Time is of the essence today - I've got to knock up a Quorn goulash before the football starts, so today's fact is rather fitting: don't worry, it's about football, not vegetarianism:

Hull is not the largest city in Europe never to have had a top-flight football team.

Who cares, you might think, and you'd be right - except that Hull's status as Europe's most unsuccessful football city has been bandied about repeatedly ever since their team, Hull City, threatened to be promoted. It'll be either them or Bristol City who come up, but an irate Hull fan has let it all get on top of him and has put us all straight. I particularly like the deeply passive aggressive title.
o congratulations (of sorts) go to Wiesbaden in Germany, and the quite possibly fictional Ulf in Russia, not for being the worst footballing cities, just for being bigger than Hull, which really isn't much of an achievement. It does now seem pretty ludicrous that little old Hull could be the biggest city in all of Europe not to witnessed top-flight football, but it just goes to show how far an assumption can travel without being properly questioned - it's appeared in this very blog before, and saints preserve us, even stat god Jeff Stelling's got in on the act. For shame, Jeff.

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