Saturday, May 10, 2008


I got suspended from work yesterday, and I'm still not really in the mood. It's being stuck in limbo that's the problem - if I'd just got sacked, I could have been dealing with it by now, but I've got to wait 'til next Wednesday without the faintest idea what's going to happen. I'm about 80% that I won't get sacked, because logic and reason dictate that I shouldn't be, but what's logic and reason where employment is concerned? To make it even worse, it's still boiling hot and I've still got a cold, so I spent last night on an airbed hacking and sweating, feeling like I was at the very definition of a low ebb.

In this week's Apprentice, two of the contestants had to find a kosher chicken in Marrakech, but instead of heading to the Jewish quarter, they went to a halal butcher and asked for the animal to be blessed by making the sign of the cross. One of them was 'fired' by an incandescent Sir Alan, but has surely returned to her highly-paid sales job. The one who wasn't fired, and is still in the running for the six-figure salary, called himself a "good Jewish boy" in his CV. I'm trying not to be bitter. Trying but failing. Today's fact is on the same subject (Judaism, not bitterness):

The method of slaughtering animals in order for them to be considered kosher is known as shechita.

Now if you'll excuse, all this talk about animals heading to the slaughter is a little too close to home right now...

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1 comment:

majordoit said...

In my experience people get suspended for two reasons 1) they have done something wrong & 2) they have done something they believe to be right but appears to be against the rules. If you have done something that falls into category 1 then I’m sorry you must expect to be sacked. If however, category 2 as I suspect is your thing, make your case, continue to stand up and be counted, rules as you eloquently point out in your CNCF blog are made to be broken. Not all rules make sense and often should be challenged, if you truly believe you did whatever you did for good defendable reasons then fight your corner, you never know your stand may result in those rules being changed for the better. Let us know what happens, I for one will be thinking of you , Good luck.