There's a lot of movin' going on at the moment - my ma, pa and um, brah are all heading to pastures new, and we're considering an upgrade from Knowledge Towers (via the frankly baffling local shared ownership scheme). So here's a handy bit of info if anyone out there's thinking of relocating (you are out there, aren't you? anyone?):
The items most frequently left behind in vacated properties in the UK are sex toys.
So that's what they mean by period features. I've never stumbled upon anything quite so unsettling in a new flat, although I did find an eighties porn mag in the attic of our last place in Southsea. It led me to pontificate at great length as to what it was doing there, to the point that I was convinced that the previous tenant had created some kind of onanistic den above the kitchen, after which we really just had to move...
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