Thursday, March 13, 2008

Zero Hour

Tonight at Knowledge Towers, we've barely got time to go to the toilet, what with cleaning the house, cooking and washing up PLUS watching two episodes of sweet, sweet Lost (it's the finale, and I fancy Locke is gonna rise from the dead and gun the Others down). While we've been tidying there's been some programme on BBC Three where a woman called Dawn goes and does various stuff, in this instance trying to become size zero. So here's what I learnt, although admittedly Claire told me:

Size zero is actually size four in Britain - the equivalent of the US size zero, from which the phrase derives.

Dawn went round to lots of fashion houses in London, but she's hardly Roger Cook, generally walking into reception, asking if the boss was around and then meandering off. And for someone trying to demonstrate the dangers of developing anorexia in pursuit of a modelling career, she seemed strangely taken with her specially designed size zero dress. Still, it was better than Lily Allen's programme.

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