Monday, March 24, 2008

Fact of the Day & BBC Three Sucks

<< The blobs: Gone but not forgotten

As usual on a day off work, I seem to have less time than ever to learn new stuff. I guess that while I'm usually at work or commuting for 8 hours, I can easily spend double that carrying out an inane yet deliriously exciting activity on the Wii, in order to unlock an entirely fictional prize. Anyway, today's fact comes, appropriately enough, from a nifty website by the name of Fact of the Day:

The smallest mountain in the world is Mount Wycheproof in Victoria, Australia, with a summit just 140 feet above the surrounding plains.

I literally copied and pasted that (I changed lowest to smallest, in the interests of pedantry) which really is a new low. I think all the information you need is there though. To be honest I'm struggling to get excited about a slight elevation in the endless plains of the Australian outback, and thinking too much about it is gonna remind me of Wolf Creek. Head on a stick. Brrr. I saw The Orphanage yesterday which was pretty creepy, but Wolf Creek is still the scariest film I've seen this century. Don't look at me like that, it's a bloody terrifying film.

I'm also distracted because I've just realised that I've missed EastEnders. I know it's shameful, but come on, in the last episode Max appeared to get buried alive by Tanya. Which means he'll be back at some point. Maybe tonight? Or maybe in five years time? Will Tanya get caught? Will the actress playing her take bad acting to a new low? I'll never know. It's repeated on BBC Three, but I refuse to watch that shower since they got rid of the cool orange blobs in favour of some godawful, sub Def-2 'yoof' makeover, by the same designer dickheads who came up with the literally unbelievable 2012 logo. Go on, have another look at the garish monstrosity.

Sorry, I digressed slightly there, but the truth is sometimes it's fun not to learn, as demonstrated by the hordes of people who aren't reading this blog...

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