Monday, March 31, 2008

Available For Weddings & Pub Quizzes

<< An Austrian in traditional costume

No need to supply my own material tonight, as I've had a request for knowledge (see what I've done there) - admittedly from Claire's workmate, but it's a start. So, in answer to their question:

Australia is named after 'australis' the Latin word for 'south'.

There were additional questions as apparently I am not a man but a fact-finding machine - I can also reveal that Austria's name does not mean the same as Australia's. It is in fact an Anglicanisation of Osterreich, the country's name in Austrian, which means 'Eastern Empire'. Thought that was China, but there you go. Also, in the Olympics, the prefix AUS is used by Australia, whilst AUT is used by Austria. The similarity of their name appears to be no more than a coincidence and a half. Anyway, like any mobile DJ worth his £500, I'm going to pop to the shops while I leave the requests coming. This one goes out to all the boys in Credit Control - it's Dead or Alive...

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