Saturday, March 1, 2008

Don't Try Your Brakes*

We've vacated Knowledge Towers and have ventured to visit my parents, so not much time for musing today. My mum has informed me of the following:

There is no need to try your brakes after driving through a flooded section of road.

There's normally a sign which snippily advises you to do so, but this goes back to days of yore when cars had brake drums, beer was 10p a pint and you could leave your front door open when you went on holiday. Now all cars have the new-fangled disc and pad system, there's no danger of it being filled with water, so you can drive on with reckless abandon. If you head out on country lanes after a good storm, you may well spot old people in cars reminiscing about the good old days when a puddle could place you in mortal danger.

Apologies for the concise and accurate post, I'll be back to my normal lengthy ramblings tomorrow.

* Quest For Knowledge does not advise you to refrain from testing your brakes

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