Monday, March 10, 2008

Sick Day Excuses & Being Turned Into a Spider

<< Frankie's cellmate would come to regret telling him what happened to Mr Eko

Skived off work today, and made a mess of the phonecall to my boss (when she asked if I had food poisoning, I replied "hopefully", when of course, I meant to say "hopefully not"). I did manage to squeeze in the ultimate cover-all excuse for being off work - "I've literally just been sick". So instead of phonecalls and paperwork, it was Lost and Wii all day. We're miles behind with Lost after Virgin took it off cable because of their stupid playground fight with Sky, and are currently up to Series 3, Episode 14 (that weird 'buried alive' one). If you've seen Series Four please refrain from telling me what happens, I know it sounds obvious, but believe me, it's happened before.

Anyway, the episode we watched today featured a Medusa spider, which I thought might be real, so I googled it. The fact that every single site it brought up was Lost related led me to suspect otherwise. It's a complete fabrication, although some people, who must be too stupid to even cross the road, claimed that as they were real spiders in the show, it must be real, and if it's made up, then the spiders must be CGI. So dumb it's almost a whole new way of thinking. Interestingly, I did discover that Medusa and spiders are (kind of) connected - in Greek mythology, Athena turned Arachne into a spider, and Medusa into, well, Medusa. So if the island turns out to be nothing more than a large 90s poster shop, there'll be some significance. So today's fact is:

Arachnids are named after the Greek goddess Arachne, who was turned into a spider by Athena.

Click here to see an artist's impression of the transformation (best avoided if you've recently had dinner - unless you're looking for an excuse to call in sick tomorrow).

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